Saturday, 5 September 2020


5th September 2020
This week I have had more time to think since my orthopaedic appointment was cancelled. That was irritating when it happened, but I was not angry as I was able to speak to someone and make sure I was kept in the loop. What is really infuriating me more is that in 2019 I was in a really bad place with the pain I was in and all the other side effects it caused.
I was having a real struggle with the physiologist I was seeing, who didn't really grasp the problems I had, and my blood sugars were really high because of my weight gain. A GP referred me to see a dietician in the July and I finally got to see them in October. At last I felt like someone was listening to me and with their support I managed to get a grip on my eating. I went there every two weeks and I was answerable to someone. This carried on until the end of February this year and I had lost two stones all together. Then, as I have said before, lockdown happened. I had to but my own scales and carry on by myself.
What has made me feel angry is that not once in the whole six months has anyone rang and asked me how I am getting on. When I started seeing them I was in such a bad place and they helped me start to put things right. Start is the word, but when I had to, I did it by myself. I have since lost a further three and a half stone in those six months. I did it myself, so why am I really angry? I suppose it's because I feel let down by something I thought I depended on. I think I am dealing with a real lesson here. Don't let feelings spoil what you have done and be proud of your achievements. It's sad to think that maybe there is someone out there that feels like me and feels let down and really needed that support and hopefully now they will get it.
As for me, I have learnt so much myself and I will carry on doing that, because only I can do it. If anyone can finally conquer my weight issues it's me and if I can help anyone else along the way I will.
Until next time,

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