Friday, 18 March 2022



17th March, 2022

Among the many rainy days we have had recently there have been one or two days with blue skies and sunshine. This helps to keep me positive that Spring is on the way. I have said before about how a blue sky and sunshine can help us feel so much better. There are so many things that can cheer us up when we are not feeling our best and it is just a case of finding what those things are. Like meeting up with like-minded people, doing something useful, finding a way to do those things we don't like to do and making things easier, reading, writing, making something – there are so many different things that, one way or another, can help us to cope just that little bit easier.

Things can seem so hard sometimes and it may take some time to find the right ways of coping, but we should never give up if things don't work out right the first time, or the second, or even the third. If we keep going we will get there. I came across a quote today from Audrey Hepburn, which says “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible.”

Now, I know that some things are impossible, however there are so many things that are possible if we can just find the way. There are so many times in my life that I thought that certain things would never change. There was no support, I couldn't do it, but I never gave up and life did eventually change for the better. Now, there were some things I would have loved to have done but for one reason or another they were not going to happen in my life, that's the way it sometimes happens. I do believe everything happens for a reason although we may not always see that reason at the time. I also believe the signs to change aspects of your life can also present themselves to you at various times. You might see something on social media, or read something in a magazine. Maybe you'll have a chat with a complete stranger and all of a sudden you see something new. A possibility to try a new thing. The signs are there for you to read if you are open enough to see them. So many things can happen in life that can turn things on their head in an instant. Maybe not always for the better, but quite often, if there is a need and you are open-minded you will see where you need to be.

With my weight loss journey, I have reached the hardest point I have ever been at, learning how to maintain weight. As I said in my previous blog, losing weight is hard, but keeping it off is, in my opinion, harder still. I spoke to my health and well being coach about this. I would like to lose the small amount of weight I have put on since my operation, however at the moment the emphasis is on stopping my weight going up even more. It's all in the mind. The mind is one of the most powerful parts of the human body. It works us and it has a way of doing it's own thing. Mine tells me I lost weight for operation and my son's wedding, so that's it now! I have a constant battle at the moment to make it think any other way, but I will succeed. It may take a bit of time, but I will learn how to make my mind do what I want it to do so I can achieve the impossible for me and find balance. I have never in 45 years of weight management been able to find balance, but I am adamant that I will. I have been very lucky to have been referred to a N.H.S. health and well being coach and I am not going to waste this opportunity. He suggested having an on/off approach to weight loss and it is at the moment the best way for me. He suggested I have so many weeks on plan and then so many weeks off plan. That is what he does, but I don't think that would work for me. I would find it hard to get back on plan after a big gap of eating more. What we decided might work better for me at the moment is on plan Monday to Friday and then relax my eating at the weekend. That might sound simple, but for me it isn't. I am an all or nothing sort of person but I can change. I know I can. Not being afraid of the wrong movement of a scale needle can be achieved. I know just how great I will feel if I can not only lose weight, but maintain it as well.

It's been impossible in the past, but hopefully it's possible with a little more mind training. We will see.

When a mind that seems to be lost in a fog finds a path out, how bright and beautiful are the colours on the other side. Just like nature coming out of the sleep of Winter into the bright and early dawn of Spring. We all want the best life we can lead and to find those ways of making it better can be so uplifting.

I will carry on thinking even though it seems impossible, I'm possible, and see where it gets me in the next couple of months.

I have quite a few things happening at the moment, that will take all the possible I can get, so here we go. Let's see where I end up.

Until next time,

Love, Jackie


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