Tuesday, 27 July 2021


 27th July, 2021

Some of us have a weight issue, and, let's face it, there are quite a few of us, who  have it for one reason or another. Years ago, we did not have as many things to assist us physically such as cars, machinery, washing machines or vacuum cleaners. There is a massive list of things to help us  depending on our circumstances. We all did far more physical work then we do now. When you put that together with much more processed foods and we have got bigger over the years. We also have more money to spend on good food, whereas back in history it was mainly the wealthy that could potentially be larger. I have said in the past that the slimming industry started back in the early 1950s, which was around about the time that people's lives were beginning to change in a big way. If we really looked back in history and saw how much lifestyles had changed, we would see the simple reason why some weight issues began. We started eating and drinking more and became far less active. Food, for most of us, is easily obtained.

I still think of that lady I spoke about last time, who was so afraid of the calories she would have thrown away a perfectly good sandwich, even though she had spent good money on it. Now I know that it was up to her, but we seem to have become a very disposable society, where something has no value and can be just thrown away. I don't like to waste probably because I have never really been in the position to be able to  waste things or throw them away, but then I wouldn't want to. With the creation of the diet industry, eating to lose weight seems to have become more and more complicated. When we had a more active lifestyle, we had no choice but to be physical. It was part of everyday life. Not we have to think about being physical, especially when wanting to lose weight. It is an effort and an effort that we might not want to do in our busy lives. Same way that when we like to eat high fat, high sugar, processed food, we can find it an effort to cut then out and eat more healthy foods. We have a different lifestyle, but when we see a weight loss program all planned out for us it seems the easier way to go to achieve what we want. Also, it may be part of the current trend, and if a lot of other people are doing it too, then surely it must be the right way! That, in my opinion, may not be completely correct as we are all, as I have said many times, individuals, but there are many who can't, or won't, see it that way.

We all live our lives, the “norm” is the “norm” and obviously if we want to do something like losing weight, we must have to do something “special”. It all takes effort and it is questionable as to whether it's sustainable. If it isn't, than we could and can do get caught up in a yo-yo diet. This can be very stressful, to both mind and body. We have been made to feel that the diet industry is special and to lose weight must be done in a special way. In my opinion it's not on a diet, off a diet, it's a way of life. It is something that has to be there each and every day of our life. A daily habit that has to become a part of our life. If we were to learn to replan our eating habits, we can establish a balanced way of eating. This can still include the occasional foods that may not be classed as healthy. There would be no need for cheat days or diet breaks when we are on a “diet”. These foods, whatever we like, can be incorporated into our daily lives. They can be there, just not as often, and won't hurt the weight loss process or the weight maintenance. Also, if foods are not classed as cheats or “naughty” their allure will not be as great, and we will not feel so bad when we have eaten them. You may even realise how bad certain foods made you feel and decide you really don't want to eat them. Once you have something, you may not even want it, who knows? :-) If you do, it's not really a problem. I have said so many times you really need to look at yourself and discover what it is you like to eat and what kind of lifestyle you have. Now this does take a bit of effort and it may be easier to follow what someone else has worked out. This is fine, but just think for one moment – does that person really know you? Even if you do find their way is the best for you, and that's fine, is it something that can be done long term, and take away the weight loss, weight gain, weight loss, weight gain cycle that you may have had?

It does takes effort to work out a sustainable way of eating for you personally, but in the long term it will become easier. It hopefully will all become a way of life and a normal one way to live. Yes, you want to be part of the group, or follow the trend but hopefully it will take some of the stress of restrictions away. It will hopefully become a way of eating that you can live with. I know it has to be like this for me. I have yo-yo dieted for years, followed the latest diet trends and new ideas, and it just hasn't worked for me. In my experience the only person that has gained from these diets I have tried is the person that put it out there. That is why they often say diets don't work. Diets may not work, but a sustainable way of eating should. I have looked at people who have used a diet and also people that have worked out a sustainable way of eating and the sustainable way definitely seems to have more success.

My weight loss journey this time is my last. I am 63 years old, and I don't really want to get back in that vicious cycle of losing weight and putting it back on anymore. The way I am eating now has to work for me and still enable me to live an enjoyable life, including eating foods I love. I think it will work out, but only time will tell, to use a well worn cliché. I will be here documenting what happens, the highs and lows, the ups and downs. If this idea for a sustainable way of eating can grow and take away the diets and diet trends that cause so much great stress and pressure, well, all the better. We can only hope.

People will always look for an easy solution, but in my personal experience, easy solutions just don't work. A bit of effort in the beginning will result in an easier way in the end, but it will always remain in competition with what is fashionable or trendy. Perhaps one day, a few celebrities may push a sustainable way of eating, rather than the next “in” diet plan. We can only hope, even though it may not be as glamourous, and doesn't sell books! Who knows, perhaps one day it may! :-)

All for now.

Until next time,

Love, Jackie.


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