Wednesday, 3 February 2021



2nd February, 2021

There is someone I know, I call them BIL. Sometimes they are here with me all the time and the times that we are together I feel so strong that I could take on the world. Then just when I have it all under control, good old BIL disappears. Who knows where BIL goes? I have no idea. If I knew, I would bring BIL back as quick as I could. It can be so hard to cope when BIL is not here. If you have something to do and BIL goes away, things can get so hard to do. Why have they gone away?

I don't always want to depend on BIL, surely there must be an easier way?

I have decided I am not going to beat myself up and depend on BIL always being here. I have got this! I can do it! I can achieve what I want to do if it becomes a habit, a part of my life and not so strict a regime that I have to depend on BIL being here.

I have got so far, and learnt so much and I can finish what I set out to achieve. My lifestyle has become sustainable. So if you see that BIL (A.K.A. Will) Power, tell them that as far as my weight loss journey is concerned, I don't need them as much as I did. So there!!

Thank you.

Love, Jackie


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