30th October, 2020
One of my few challenges day to day, is that I suffer from Meniere's Disease. There are many symptoms. With me it started with vertigo attacks and hearing loss, but later developed into brain fog, my brain sometimes receives the wrong signals from my ears, making it difficult sometimes to understand what someone is saying. It also gives me constant tinnitus and noise in the ears and problems with my balance, to name a few. This week the weather has been cloudy and rainy here and the air pressure has been low. I find at times like this that it can affect my balance problems big time. I call periods like this my pinball machine times :-) mainly because I find that with my balance levels down I end up bouncing from one surface to another. I'm not sure if there is a proven connection between air pressure and Meniere's, but it seems to be that way with me. At these times it's sometimes safer for me to lay down in bed as the chances of me doing any damage there is much less.
One side benefit of me being there is we have a big window just by the bed and I can see outside to the road below. It's amazing what you see sometimes :-)
Looking out today there are quite a few people going by with dark or black umbrellas and it started me thinking. As we move into Winter and the days grow darker it is far more depressing than Summer. In Summer colours are so much more brighter, but Autumn and Winter seem to bring out the darker ones. Why can't we still have colours? Colour makes us feel so much better and can even make us feel so much more energetic.
Children's clothes are so much brighter than adults, do we lose something as we get older? Do we lose the urge to be bright and instead just wear black and dull colours to become invisible and just fiit in? It has been proven that certain colours can depress us, energise us, help us relax, and just generally make us feel better. In these uncertain times that we find ourselves in, perhaps it would help us all to add a bit of bright colour into our lives.
It can do no harm and could actually help. If we don't want to wear a lot of colour, perhaps we can use it in smaller ways. Perhaps when it rains we could use a brighter umbrella :-) It would be a good start to brightening up a long dark winter.
I must say at this point that a while ago I bought a beautiful bright umbrella with a print of peacock feathers to use when my son and his fiancé get married. My theory is that if I have an umbrella, then it won't rain :-) although it's lovely to think I have a nice, bright one to use just in case. Wouldn't it be lovely on a bleak dark day to see glorious colours? Something to think about. After all, remember how lovely it is to see what nature often does after a rain storm. It gives us a beautiful rainbow. So perhaps we should do our part too. I will do my best to always be in colour, bouncing around or not.
See you again soon.
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