Tuesday, 12 May 2020


Tuesday 12th May, 2020

When I first started to think about writing my blog again back in March, the idea was to help me continue with my weight loss journey, and also to give me the opportunity to talk about the issues that I am so passionate about. These are such things as food, the food industry, fashion and style, the slimming industry and other subjects related to weight loss and image. That was the idea, but as we all know things don't always go to plan, hence this blog being about uncertainty and the anxiety it can cause. Usually when we have experienced these times in the past they have been personal to us, or to us and our families, but there's nearly always someone on the outside of the situation that can offer help and support.
With these current times that we are all living in, we are all in it together. Now this has created a lot of lovely deeds coming to light, but we are all living with this uncertainty at some level. Trying to be strong for others, while still trying to be strong ourselves. When I was watching the Prime Minister's speech on Sunday trying, with many, to understand what was being said, and not really understanding anything at all, I could almost feel the emotion that many of us must have been feeling with words and plans being there, but not being there and the confusion it caused and the uncertainty it fueled.
It caused me to write down the things that go through my mind that can cause me to go off-kilter and chip away at my resolve.
  1. Disappointment that things planned may not go ahead or may change.
  2. Trying to be strong when loved ones around me need me, and knowing I tend to forget myself.
  3. The feeling of wanting to give up even though I have done so well so far. Is it easier to give up than to carry on?
  4. Knowing now that the problems of life never go away, even when you shrink down from a size 26 to a size 12.
  5. Just not knowing what life is going to throw at me next.
  6. The uncertainty of the current situation and not knowing what is happening, especially when it's not clear, can just throw everything up in the air.

    I then think that even if we did know everything that was going to happen, would we be able to cope? Could we cope with the pressure and emotion of some situations if we knew what would happen in advance, I am not sure.
    What I have learnt is that if we do give in, it does not make life better in the long run. Having a plan in your head can help with the uncertainty. If you feel you have some control it can help. That plan may take a long time to come together, but at least it can focus the mind on a positive route. I have found if I know the reasons why I have done/do the things I do, it helps me to have some kind of resolve. I do my best to cope with whatever situation is there and that is all I can do. Not always easy, but I do do my best. I look to a point in the future and move towards it, no matter how slowly. This I find clears my mind and helps me to see what I need to do.
    We are all human and we must never forget that.
    History has shown that we have adapted and dealt with adversity, privately and publicly. This current situation with Covid-19 will get better. It may not go completely away but life will adapt, WE will adapt. I have to believe this to be able to move ahead with my personal battle with my weight loss and perhaps have a new hip by the end of the year.
    My daughter said to me a while ago I may be one of the few people that comes out of this smaller than larger :-) We will see.
    I don't know yet what I will write about in my next blog, but I will do my best to make it positive.

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