Saturday, 26 April 2014


I was thinking of what to write about this week. I had an idea but once again I changed it at the last minute because of something random that happened today. I have not been too well this week. I had a 24 hour bug that went away and then obviously decided it liked me and came back for more :-)
On the positive side we had a visit from my daughter and grandson, who is one of my main motivations for losing weight. We had a wonderful time going out, having fun and enjoying lunch out in cafes, restaurants and a picnic. I will write an update about food as an ingredient in social events and celebrations next time, but today I want to write about something different.
We decided to have a walk down into the village to get some fresh air this morning. In one of the shops there I was chatting to someone who had just started Change 4 Live and had had a very successful first week. It was lovely to see the smile on her face and enjoy her success with her. As we were walking back across the car park, a lady we didn't know stopped us and said "You don't know me, but you pass my house nearly every day and I have noticed how much weight you have lost. How did you do it?" It gave me great pleasure to tell her about Change 4 Life and how she could find out more. She made me feel really good about what I had accomplished.
Don't get me wrong, my family and friends have noticed the difference and have been very supportive, but for a complete stranger to say something really proved the point to me. Even though I am getting on for losing 3 1/2 stone now, I don't see myself as others do. I don't think any of us do. To me there is a start and a finish, but I have not really thought about the middle.
I am still wearing many of the same clothes at the moment from before I lost weight, with a few smaller ones I had in the wardrobe from years ago, or a couple of things I picked up in the sales.
You would not believe how much persuading it took from my daughter just to go out and buy a new bra! Although I must admit it is much better fitting than my old 50 DD one!!! As she said to me I have to learn to celebrate what I have done so far. We should all recognize our achievements, however small. With weight loss every week is an accomplishment if we have lost weight no matter how small the amount. If we have stayed the same, or even put on a bit, it's a lesson learnt, it's getting to know ourselves and learning what we need to do to reach what we aspire to. It is back once again to the ideas of self value.
We can be very good at putting our children, our families and even our jobs first, but sometimes it just needs to be just us for a little while every now and again. When we do this we will be more confident in ourselves and be a better person for the ones we love. 
I must admit the feeling of achievement is good and it can happen in only a few short weeks if we keep up the good work and celebrate each goal we reach.
The first few weeks can be hard. Finding the motivation and the commitment is not always easy when it is not obvious to others what you are doing, but keep going because after a while the benefits will become clearer and clearer and it should get easier.
Well we will see, but for now I for one will be going shopping! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Well done girl! You're a great ambassador for C4L! Amazing how good a random encounter in a car park can make you feel isn't it?
