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As I was at the beginning of this journey... |
Everything seems so routine and matter of fact, and I suppose in weight loss terms that can be seen as a good thing. It has become a normal way of life and I no longer have to think about it so much on a day to day basis as I did in the beginning. On the other hand it then becomes mundane and the spark that was there at the beginning is becoming a little duller. When I first started this blog I said I would write it until I had lost 100 pounds and I will, but getting back into the habit takes a little bit of effort.
I am still losing weight, I have lost 83 lbs now so I am nearly there. I suppose it's like a lot of things we do in life. We start with such enthusiasm, do well and then it's not so exciting, or it becomes boring.
Trying to keep up the euphoria is not easy, remembering why we started becomes a distant memory and excuses begin to start to stop us doing things. I think I need a good shake. I'm not quite light enough for Steve to pick me up yet. :)
On the plus side I have been away twice to see the family and had a great time.
It is lovely to have the energy to play with my beautiful grandson and be able to do things I could not do before.
It's the daft things too, like being able to paint my toenails, fitting into a toilet on a coach, wearing trousers, being able to put tights and socks on and being able to put a bath towel around me and have it wrap around me and tuck in. I can not tell you how excited I got when I could wrap a regular bath towel around me just like "normal" women do!
I have discovered/remembered just how I much I enjoy walking. To be able to get out there in the countryside and walk is great. So much so that I have decided to do a sponsored walk to celebrate the fact that I CAN now walk with ease and without fear. Before I lost weight it was so hard to move, I got tired very quickly and I was afraid to walk too far. If we went out for a walk I would not walk too far even I could, because I was scared I wouldn't be able to get back.
So on the 20th September I will be walking 5KM for the Alzheimer's Society. I looked after my Grandmother who had brought me up when she suffered from that disease and I feel it is a good cause to support. Quality of life to me is very important. We may only be here for a short time, so being able to enjoy life with all it's ups and downs is so very important.
I know it is only a small walk, but it is a start and hopefully the sun will shine and it will be a lovely day. As an extra motivation I have started to make plans to walk up Mount Snowden next year with my family, so I need the practice.
It has been so good to write my blog again and I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
I will let you know how things go, but for now love, strength and happiness in all that you do.
My Justgiving link for the walk is HERE for any of you that would like to donate, but by no means feel obliged to. Just be pleased for me that I can do it.